Sunday, March 1, 2015

Snowy Musings

As some of you (or none of you) probably know, parts of Oklahoma were visited recently by a nice snowfall. Nothing like what they get in merry old New England, but still several inches of cold, fluffy cold. I like snow, unless it makes me cold. I like snow, unless it melts. I like snow so long as warm walls separate it from me. Hey, it's really nice but who can stand that chilled, itchy feeling your toes get?

Be that as it may, an adventurous fellow like myself sees the glass-half-full option in everything (almost). This snowfall presented me with a fine opportunity to get outside and try and garner some writing inspiration. Things like heavy snowfall usually help with my creativity. Some people take long walks or watch the rain. Everybody has their own thing. I like really getting into what I do.

Okay, so I really, really got into it. What can I say? Eccentrically unconventional. You'd be surprised how different things help combat writer's block.
 Keep Strong!

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