Monday, January 26, 2015

Proof Copy!!

I know, I know, I am telling you this a few days after it happened, and for that I am sorry. I've simply been rather swamped. Anyway....
Last week I received by UPS my first official proof copy of Strife Of The Mighty!! That's right. I held the labor of my hands for six years in my, well, hands! Of course I will here include a photo.

No, my head is not really shaped like that. But there it is, folks! All printed and bound. It's 6 x 9 and paperback; as I said there will be an ebook version as well. Some brief tweaks are to follow now, and soon you too can lay hold on your very own copy!
Keep strong!

Monday, January 5, 2015

A New Year Brings New Things (In this case, good things.)

Greetings, everyone. As you know the release of my book is just around the corner, and I have good news concerning that! Previously, I had said that the book would only be released in ebook format to begin with. I am quite happy to announce that I will now be releasing a print version as well as an ebook version simultaneously! Excellent, most excellent. Don't you think so? I do.

For those of you who are awaiting the novel so patiently I thank you from the bottom (as well as the top) of my heart. Strife of the Mighty should be available to all no later than February! Of course, I shall make a post the very day it is loosed into the public.

Right then... Keep well for now, folks, and may we meet soon between the pages. And of course, a happy new year to all of you.